The Lilycroft and St Edmund's Nursery Schools Federated Governing Body is made up of parents, staff and people in the community and local authority who are interested and want to help us develop to meet the needs of children and families. The whole Governing Body meets six times a year but between these meetings small groups of governors meet to discuss particular areas of our work: Children, Curriculum and Families committee , the Finance and General Purposes Committee and the SCITT Committee.

The day-to-day management of the school is the responsibility of the headteacher and senior staff. There is a school improvement plan, agreed by the Governing Body, which helps the headteacher and staff to focus on particular areas of work each year. We also hold an annual “Better Together Day” every February to which parents are invited as we want parents to be as fully involved in the development of the school as possible.

If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please talk to a member of staff who will then let the headteacher know. All Governors are required to have a Disclosure and Barring Service check.

To contact the Chair of Governors, please write to:

Imran Hafeez, c/o St Edmund's Nursery School and Children's Centre, Washington Street, Bradford BD8 9QW


Register of Interests

Click here to download the Register of Governors’ Interests and details of committees.


Sian Hudson

Sian Hudson

Executive Headteacher

Frances Elizabeth Evans

Frances Elizabeth Evans

Co-opted Governor

Imran Hafeez

Imran Hafeez

Chair of Governors

Zara Farooq

Zara Farooq

Co-opted Governor

Juraj Tancos

Juraj Tancos

Staff Governor

Kalsoom Yasin

Kalsoom Yasin

Co-opted Governor

Chloe Storr

Chloe Storr

Parent Governor

Adam Bagherian

Adam Bagherian

Staff Governor

Tracey Isherwood

Tracey Isherwood


Khawer Ashfaq

Khawer Ashfaq
