Small Talk - Little Ways to Make a Big Difference


What is Small Talk?

Small Talk is a new project which helps parents turn the activities they are already doing with their child every day into new opportunities to build their child’s language skills.

As part of the project, has been created. It is a brand new website packed with simple videos, tips and information to help parents chat, play and read with their young child every day.

From breakfast to bedtime to a trip to the supermarket, the website is full of simple activities for parents to do with their child wherever they are.



Babies and children love the sound of human voices. All babies start babbling from an early age – it’s their way of communicating with you. Encouraging this helps them learn to speak as they get older.



You are your baby’s first play mate. Simple games help your baby learn to use objects and start to speak. Playing helps them get stronger, become more coordinated and learn new things.



Right from birth, babies love hearing their parents’ voices as they share a story. As they grow, they will start to enjoy the pictures and bright colours. Reading with toddlers will help them talk earlier and will help them do better at school.


Check out the small talk website here.