Dear Parents / Carers,
I hope you are well and taking good care of each other.
I am writing to you after an extremely busy week of consulting, risk assessing and staff training.
We have gathered up to date local information and looked carefully at scientific research and evidence and we feel confident, that should the local situation remain the same or continue to improve, we will be in a position to safely reopen Lilycroft and St Edmund’s Nursery Schools to more children from Monday 15th June 2020.
We have already contacted most families who previously told us that they would like a place for their child and updated our lists.
If you have not already spoken to us and would like your child to return to Nursery, please get in touch.
Tel: 01274 543282
Email: office@lilycroftnurseryschool.com or office@stedmundsbradford.org.uk
We are not able to guarantee a place or a start date, as we still need to prioritise vulnerable children and children of key workers. However, we will of course do whatever we can to support you. If you are unsure, give us a call to discuss things and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
I would like to take this opportunity to let you know how wonderful all the staff at both schools have been this week. During their training sessions they have asked lots of questions, which is essential and have had some anxieties, which is natural, but everyone who is able has been ready and willing to return to work to support you and your children.
We do of course, totally understand and support your decision, should you wish your child to stay at home. We will be resuming stories, songs and activities on both websites from Monday, so please do follow the links in the text messages and have a look what’s on offer. Any feedback or special requests are most welcome!
As lockdown eases, please do remember that this does not mean we can do as we please and see who we like. As I’m sure you are all aware, the parks have been extremely busy and therefore dangerous. Children’s playgrounds remain closed and you should not, under any circumstances take your young children to play there as it could be a health and safety risk. We all need to continue to maintain social distancing (2m apart) and follow government guidelines.
Stay safe everybody and have a great weekend!
Sian and the Nursery Teams