Play and Learn @ Home – FREE, delivered via ZOOM for families across the Bradford area. These virtual play and learn @ home sessions are especially designed to support families with young children under the age of 5. The sessions are delivered on ZOOM so you will need access to a device, ideally a laptop or tablet, to enable you to join in. Each week will be action packed with activities that you can do in your home with everyday objects as well as a story and singing session. You can join us each week or drop in on sessions as and when it suits you and your family.
To register click the day below and we will then contact you to confirm a place and send you the link to join the session. Once you have registered you can use the same link each week.
From Tuesday 19th January 1.30pm – 2.30pm each week term time only
From Wednesday 20th January 1.30pm – 2.30pm each week term time only
From Friday 22nd January 10am – 11am each week term time only
events.north@eyalliance.org.uk T: 01924 460930 Enriching the lives of the under 5's website